Our Chief managing partner Shri Ashish Kolarkar receiving special prize for efficient working from the zonal manager,Bank of india Dr. J.B. Kulkarni.images/prize_rec1.jpg
Name - Shri Narendra Songara Designation - Executive (IT) Shri Narendra Songara is looking after sehore operations since 2001.This tall,jovial and soft spoken fellow is recently married.images/data_emp2.gif
Name - Shri Manoj Dubey Designation - Executive (IT) Shri Manoj Dubey is looking after Hoshangabad operations since 1997.This soft spoken and hardworking guy is expert in Database management.images/no_uimage.gif
Name - Shri Deepak Shukla Designation - Executive (IT) Shri Deepak Shukla is managing Data processing functions of Hoshangabad unit.Expert in man management. Associated with datatrack since 1997.images/no_uimage.gif
Name - Shri Ashish Kumar Shrivastava Designation - Executive (IT) Shri Ashish Kumar Shrivastava,Heads the Shahdol operations of the company.He is associated with datatrack since 2003.images/no_uimage.gif